You have a total of 3 options in our Serious Games Online Editor to manually add one or more existing player accounts to your event as a team. Once via the database, via the event configuration or via the team widget in the event dashboard (see video).
Below is a step-by-step guide on how it works via the team widget.
Step 1 #
Go to the event dashboard of your event.
Step 2 #
Find the “Teams” widget there.
Step 3 #
Click on the plus symbol to add a new team to your event.
Step 4 #
In the “Existing account” tab, you can select a user account and add it to your event as a team.
Step 5 #
As soon as you have added a player account as a team to your event, your event will be visible in the event list of the app in which the player account is registered. This means:
- Register in the native Scavenger Hunt App or Web App!
- Call up the event list!
- Select event!
- Start!
Attention #
- If you do not yet have any player accounts in your database, we will show you HERE how to create new player accounts.
- Each player account can only be actively used on one device at a time. If a second person logs in with the same account as the first person, the first person will be logged out of the app.