Business use cases.
Use our espoto Serious Games Software for exciting and interactive business games and bring fun and activity into your daily processes.

Fun & games with corporate relevance

Our partners use our Serious Games Software Solution in various areas. In addition to team events and tourism tours, especially for more specific games in the corporate context.
Starting with the design of interactive safety trainings to the implementation of interactive Welcome Days and Firstday@Works in the onboarding process.
In addition, our Serious Games Software is very popular for supporting workshops and conferences. Our software is flexible and can be adapted to a wide variety of requirements.
Below you will find a selection of specific business use cases for the implementation of creative applications with our software solutions.
Our use cases in the business context
Security Training
Welcome Day
Exhibition Tour
The advantages of our software for business games
Interactive tasks that require collaboration can connect and improve communication skills.
Employees can receive hands-on training through interactive tasks and playful scenarios.
The playful elements of our Software increase employee motivation and commitment.
By using our software, you need fewer physical materials and infrastructure, which reduces the environmental footprint of your corporate events.
With voting elements, employees can participate in decision-making processes, which strengthens recognition and appreciation within your company.
You can can easily track and analyze the progress and performance of your employees within your business application.
You can brand your games individually and completely customize them to your corporate design.
We work GDPR-conform with secure servers in Germany and a first class support!
The playful approach within our Serious Games Software promotes innovation and new ideas.
Our software for your business game
Prices as flexible as our apps
Software pay per use! ✔ No onging costs! ✔ No running costs! ✔ Just pay the game you have played! ✔