
How to create a tabspot?

Updated on October 16, 2024

Option 1 - Within your event #

Step 1 #

Open your event in the backend.

Step 2 #

Find the “Tabspots” widget in the event dashboard. Click on the plus symbol there to add a new tabspot. Alternatively, you can also use the red pencil button at the bottom right from anywhere in the event dashboard.

Step 3 #

You now have the choice between an infospot, a quest and a voting task. You can find out more about our different tabspot types here!

Step 4 #

Now work your way through the tabspot form settings and save your entry. The tabspot is now in your event. You can find out more about the options within the tabspot form here.

Option 2 - Via your data base #

Step 1 #

Go to “Administration” at the top left of the backend. Many menu options will open.

Step 2 #

In the “Tabspots” column on the far left, you can choose between quests, voting spots or infospots, depending on the type of tabspot you want to add to your event. You can find out more about our different tabspot types here!

Step 3 #

In the table that now opens, you can create your desired tabspot type using the plus symbol at the top left of the table. The tabspot form opens. Work your way through the tabspot form and save your entry. You can find out more about the options within the tabspot form here.

Step 4 #

You have now created a tabspot, but have not yet added it to an event. Your new tabspot with an entry should now be visible in the general table. Click on the plus symbol on the far right of your tabspot entry to add it to an event.

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