
How to activate Tabspots by scored points!

Updated on February 25, 2025

With our storytelling tool, you can activate or deactivate Tabspots for your players based on scored points.

To do this, open the storytelling tool via the left side menu in your event dashboard. If no additional settings have been made yet, you will find an overview of all upcoming Tabspots for your event on the right.

Scroll down in the storytelling tool until you see the global groups on the left-hand side. Then drag the Tabspots you want to manage time-controlled into one or more of these groups.

Global groups are inactive by default. You can set individual triggers for each group using the settings icon (cogwheel). To activate a group based on scored points, use the cogwheel to set a point value and the “Points” trigger and activate the visibility tick.

If you want to deactivate the group again after a certain number of points, simply add another point value – but without the visibility tick.

The Tabspots in the global group are then activated or deactivated according to the defined point values so that they are visible or invisible to your players.

If you want the group with Tabspots to be visible from the start, set the point value to 0 and activate the tick for visible.

Please follow the tutorial video and the further information and hints for global groups here!

The principle is similar to the settings for time-controlled triggers in global groups!

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